Did you fall for the big lie? You know the one. They told you before you applied for law school that if you studied hard, passed the Bar Exam on your first try and worked long hours at the firm that you’d make it? You’d have a comfortable lifestyle; a family that loved you. You’d have success?? Well….that might have been the way it used to be but not anymore…This blog is about the practice of law, lawyer marketing and the way it SHOULD be done. The way it MUST be done in order to succeed in today’s tough economic climate.
Lawyers: Do you feel out of control? Are you ready to regain control of your practice? Or even better… regain control of your life?
You have just come upon a website that can change your life. Tired of working too many hours? Being a slave to the billable hour? Not having enough time to enjoy lunch let alone life? Over demanding clients with unlimited access to you? The unreasonable expectations and demands placed upon you and your time? Are you living the life you imagined when you killed yourself to get into and finished with law school? If you’re not then you’re normal. Lawyers are by and large miserable. It’s not your fault. Circumstances have conspired to put us where we are today.
This site and my free ezine is about lawyer marketing and law practice management but it’s really so much more. It’s about freedom from your law practice. It’s about living the life you’ve always dreamed about and how to achieve it. It’s about time with your kids; not breaking your neck 14 hours every day and never seeing your family. It’s about 3 day weekends not 7 day work weeks. You deserve the better things in life. The 60 hour work week shouldn’t be a badge of honor. In reality, it’s a badge of disgrace. What good is money if it cannot be enjoyed? Work is not life. Life is for living. It’s for enjoyment. It’s about people. It about the people who are in our lives….or should be. Yes, it’s about client relationships but it’s also about the relationships that are failing in your life because you’re too busy caged to your desk.

The stress that lawyers face today is shortening our lives. We are literally selling our souls for the almighty dollar. We are trading the best days of our lives for the benefit of our clients. Don’t get me wrong. Client relationships and client results are extremely important. But there’s a better way. It’s been kept a secret from the average lawyer. But there are lawyers who make incredible money, and don’t kill themselves doing it. Lawyers who use paraprofessionals and lay people to help get the work done. And the truth is…..those lawyers make even more money doing it than average. Fantastic incomes most lawyers only dream about. They work shorter hours and live more full lives. Lives with time for vacations and their kid’s soccer games. Lives where working Saturday is anathema and as foreign as driving on the wrong side of the road. Unthinkable.
You may be asking who are you anyway? I am a Texas Lawyer in private practice for the last 11 years and AV Rated by Martindale-Hubbell. I have learned secrets from the top marketing minds in the world today. Here’s the key….they’re not lawyers. In fact, many of them don’t even have a college degree. The point is traditional “lawyer marketing” isn’t marketing at all. It’s networking. And it’s totally ineffective in terms of bringing in revenue in a big way.
I am prepared to share with my brothers (and sisters) at the Bar what I have learned. This stuff isn’t rocket science. I’m not saying that I invented all the answers but I can say that I work 40 hours or less and make a fantastic income doing it. I have learned to leverage my abilities through the use of staff and I can teach any lawyer how to do it. You can learn these secrets and “take your life back.” When you passed the Bar you didn’t sell your entire life to the profession. The truth is you can have it all; a great family life, time for hobbies and vacations, a fantastic income, all while still practicing law.
So what’s the secret? What are you doing wrong, besides everything? Subscribe below to my ezine and begin the journey to getting your life back. It’s okay to be skeptical but if you’re a negative naysayer….don’t bother. I don’t have time for you and frankly you don’t deserve my help. Go back to your miserable existence. The rest of you…no the majority of you…come aboard for the beginning of the transformation of your life.